Traceability to improve quality & strengthen client’s trust

La traçabilité des produits et des matières est aujourd’hui un élément clé de toute production industrielle. Ce concept fait référence à la capacité à suivre et documenter l'origine, le parcours et la destination des matières premières, des composants et des produits tout au long de la chaîne de production.

The traceability of products and materials is now a key element of any industrial production. This concept refers to the ability to track and document the origin, journey, and destination of raw materials, components, and products throughout the production chain.

At Mesurex, the challenges of this follow-up are major:

  • Product quality and safety  – Mesurex ensures clear monitoring of the origin and quality of materials/products; if necessary, Mesurex quickly identifies defective raw materials or products and therefore reduces the risk of potential associated litigation.
  • Product recall management– In the unlikely event of safety or quality issues, Mesurex is able to identify the affected products and can recall them quickly, in order to minimize the consequences for customers.
  • Fight against counterfeiting – In some industries, such as pharmaceuticals, automotive or aerospace, traceability is key to fight counterfeiting, which can have catastrophic consequences on the health and safety of people.
  • Regulatory compliance – Many industries, including food, pharmaceuticals, and aerospace, require traceability. Non-compliance can result in financial penalties and loss of reputation for these big names, which Mesurex is very concerned about.
  • Improved customer trust – Customers are increasingly concerned about the origin and quality of the products they buy. Thanks to traceability, Mesurex builds trust by offering full transparency on the origin of its products.
  • Simplicity of commercial follow-up – From the serial number, a customer can easily re-order a similar product to Mesurex, without having to find the name or product code.
  • Sustainability – Traceability makes it possible to track the origin of raw materials and measure the environmental footprint of products. This encourages companies to adopt more environmentally friendly practices.

In accordance with ISO9001 and EN9100 certifications, Mesurex’s manufacturing processes involve assigning a serial number to each sensor (adhesive labeling or laser engraving on the part). Depending on the complexity of the sensor, the serial number is directly linked to a material batch, or to a manufacturing batch with associated material batches per sensor component. In case of a specific order, the serial numbers can be customized at the express request of a customer.

You want to know more about our quality and traceability processes, visit our website or contact us directly

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