The electric battery market is growing very rapidly, driven by a growing multi-sector demand for energy storage solutions: from electric vehicles and energy storage systems for power grids to portable electronics and industrial equipment. By 2027, the global electric battery market is expected to approach $130 billion (with a projected annual growth rate of 18.4% between 2020 and 2027).

The electric vehicle sector is particularly buoyant, as governments around the world adopt policies that promote clean vehicles and battery prices continue to fall. France has set itself the ambitious goal that 100% of vehicles sold by 2040 will be electric or hydrogen powered. It multiplies incentives, such as the “Ecological bonus-malus” (encouragement to purchase an electric vehicle), or the “Low Emission Zones” (to limit or ban the most polluting vehicles from circulating in some areas). More broadly at the global level, the sale of new electric vehicles represented, in 2022, 10% of the market and could reach 58% by 2040. The objective is to reach “zero emissions” by 2050, to reduce pollution and more particularly carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.

However, beyond political objectives, the technology still needs to evolve and understanding the thermal phenomena of lithium-ion batteries is essential. Indeed, thermal phenomena can influence:

– Battery life

– Autonomy of the vehicle

– Recharge time

– Security and risk of fire

Research and innovation are supported by many startups and innovative companies, and MESUREX is one of them. We are proud to bring our expertise to accelerate the emergence of new solutions, especially thanks to the surface temperature probes that we manufacture according to your specifications.

Many players in the automotive industry already trust us to support them in the development of electric cars.

Would you like to know more about our surface probes, visit our website www.mesurex.fr and let us know about your needs mesurex@mesurex.fr

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